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North Scarle All Saints

Graffiti recorded April 2014, quality variable - mostly fair to faint or poor. 56 photos.

Essentially Early English. Destroyed by fire in 1342 and supposedly rebuilt in the fourteenth century. Extensively restored and the north aisle rebuilt by Comper who restored the church in 1895-1898. Tree-ring analysis showed that the bell-frame is made of timbers felled in 1716, whilst the belfry floor contains some timbers felled in 1482. Porch probably 17/18th C.

Listed building at:

NScarle10 Hand.JPG
NScarle31 Mason mk.JPG
NScarle12 4foil+paint.JPG
NScarle36 gothic I or MM.JPG

Painted images including a 'quatrefoil', probably acting as a consecration cross

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